Selected Works by CENCE Members
Heesoon Bai, Simon Fraser University
- Bai, H., Williams, H., Cueto de Souza, R., Yee, A., Scott, C., & Cohen, A. (2024). Contemplative Inquiry as Research and Pedagogic Method. In K. Clough & B. Flanagan (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of research methods in spirituality & contemplative studies (pp. 141–148). Routledge.
- Bai, H., Anderson, L., Scott, C. (2023). Contemplation as a quintessential educational project for our times. Holistic Education Review 3(2). Retrieved from
- Gunnlaugson, O., Cueto de Souza, R., Zhao, S., Yee, A., Scott, C., & Bai, H. (2022). Revisiting the Nature of Transformative Learning Experiences in Contemplative Higher Education. Journal of Transformative Education, 21(1), 84–101.
- Bai, H., Morgan, P., Scott, C. & Cohen, A. (2018). Holistic-contemplative pedagogy for 21st century teacher education: Education as healing. In J. Miller & M. Binder (Eds.), The international handbook for holistic education (pp. 108-117). Routledge.
- Bai, H., Donald, B. & Scott, C. (2009). Contemplative pedagogy and revitalization of teacher education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 55(3), 319–334.
Claudia Eppert, University of Alberta
- Eppert, C. (2024). Questions of witnessing: Historical, contemplative/nondual, and ecological. In A.M. Phelan & W.F. Pinar (Eds.), Curriculum studies in Canada: Present preoccupations (pp. 90–118). University of Toronto Press.
- Eppert, C., Vokey, D., Nguyen, T. & Bai, H. (2016). Intercultural Philosophy and the Nondual Wisdom of ‘Basic Goodness’: Implications for Contemplative and Transformative Education. In O. Ergas & S. Todd (Eds.), Philosophy East/West: Exploring intersections between educational and contemplative practices. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Eppert, C., Vokey, D., Nguyen, T. T. A., & Bai, H. (2015). Intercultural philosophy and the nondual wisdom of ‘basic goodness’: Implications for contemplative and transformative education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 49(2), 274–293.
- Eppert, C., & Wang, H. (Eds.). (2008). Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: Eastern thought, educational insights. Routledge.
- Eppert, C. (2008). Fear, (educational) fictions of character and Buddhist insights for an arts-based witnessing curriculum. In C. Eppert & H. Wang (Eds.), Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: Eastern thought, educational insights (pp. 55–108). Routledge.
- Eppert, C. (2009). Rememberingour (re) source. In M. McKenzie, P. Hart, H. Bai, & B. Jickling (Eds.), Fields of green: Re-storying culture, environment and education (pp. 191–210). Hampton Press.
Thomas Falkenberg, University of Manitoba
- Falkenberg, T. (2024, forthcoming). Contemplative pedagogies for well-being in higher education and beyond. In M. Drinkwater, & Y. Waghid (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of ethics of care in transformative leadership in higher education. Bloomsbury.
- Falkenberg, T. (2023). Contemplative Practices and the Concern for Well-Being in Schools: A Well-Being Pedagogy. Holistic Education Review, 3(2).
- Falkenberg, T. (Ed.). (2023). Well-being and well-becoming in schools. University of Toronto Press.
- Falkenberg, T., & Link, M. (2019). A disciplined practice of collaboratively working on teaching as contemplative professional practice. In O. Gunnlaugson, C. Scott, H. Bai, & E. W. Sarath (Eds.), Catalyzing the Field: Second-Person Approaches to Contemplative Learning and Inquiry (pp. 73–86). State University of New York Press.
- Bai, H., Cohen, A., Miyakawa, M. & Falkenberg, T. (2019). Mindfulness for adulting. Learning: Research and Practice, 4(1), 14-28.
- Falkenberg, T. (2016). Inner wisdom: A foundation for being a teacher. In K. Ragoonaden, & S. Bullock (Eds.), Mindfulness and critical friendship: A new perspective on professional development for educators, (pp. 1–12). Lexington Books.
- Falkenberg, T. (2012). Teaching as contemplative professional practice. Paideusis, 20(2), 25–35.
Jeannie Kerr, Simon Fraser University
- Kerr, J. (2024). Well-being and well-becoming in inner-city schools: Supporting students’ wholistic flourishing in inner-city communities. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools. University of Toronto Press.
- Kerr, J. (2023). Transformational Opportunities through New (er) Stories: Research Addressing Educational Inequalities. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 46(1).
- Kerr, J. (2020). Ethics, relationality, and global citizenship education: Decolonial gestures within complexity. In L. Kornelesen, G. Balzer, & K. Magro (Eds.), Teaching global citizenship: A Canadian perspective (pp. 176–189). Canadian Scholars Press.
- Kerr, J. (2016). Intuition and professional wisdom: Can we teach moral discernment? In L. Bondi, D. Carr, C. Clark, & C. Clegg (Eds.), Towards professional wisdom: Practical deliberation in the people professions. Routledge.
- Kerr, J. (n.d.). Challenging technocratic logics in teacher education: Seeking guidance from Indigenous and Aristotelian traditions.
Mike Link, University of Winnipeg
- Link, M. (2023). Connecting children to nature through scientific inquiry: The impact on children’s well-being. In C.D. Tippett & T.M. Milford (Eds.) Exploring elementary science teaching and learning in Canada. Contemporary trends and issues in science education (Vol. 53, pp. 167–186). Springer.
- Link, M., & Falkenberg, T. (2021). Teacher leadership in education for sustainable well-being and well-becoming. In K. D. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 341–353). Information Age Publishers.
- Falkenberg, T., & Link, M. (2019). A disciplined practice of collaboratively working on teaching as contemplative professional practice. In O. Gunnlaugson, C. Scott, H. Bai, & E. W. Sarath (Eds.), Catalyzing the Field: Second-Person Approaches to Contemplative Learning and Inquiry (pp. 73–86). State University of New York Press.
Charles Scott, Simon Fraser University
- Cueto de Souza, R., & Scott, C. (2024). Cultivating stillness through yoga: Considerations for a deepening of presencing mastery at the bottom of the U. International Journal of Presencing Leadership & Coaching, 1(1), 82–95.
- Scott, C. (2023). The farther reaches of contemplative inquiry. Holistic Education Review, 3(2).
- Cueto de Souza, R., and Scott C. (2022). From mental health crisis to existential human suffering: The role of self-transcendence in contemporary mindfulness. Religions, 13(8), 681.
- Scott, C. (2021). Contemplative being, becoming, and knowing: The “work” at the bottom of the U in a graduate program in contemplative inquiry. In O. Gunnlaugson, & W. Brendel, (Eds.), Advances in presencing (Vol. 3; pp. 215–240). Trifoss Press.
- Scott, C. (2019). What is contemplation? The opening of a dialogue. SFU Educational Review, 12(2), 121–136.
- Scott, C. & Bai, H. (2017). Bhakti yoga as intersubjective contemporary practice. The intersubjective turn in contemplative education: Shared approaches for contemplative learning and inquiry across disciplines. State University of New York Press.
- Bai, H., Morgan, P. Scott, C. & Cohen, A. (2016). Prolegomena to spiritual research paradigm: Importance of attending to the embodied and the subtle. In J. Lin, , R. Oxford & T. Culham (Eds.), Developing a spiritual research paradigm: Incorporating spirituality in research in the social sciences and education (pp. 77-96). Information Age Publishing.
- Bai, H. Cohen, A., Culham, T., Park, S., Rabi, S., Scott, C. & Tait, S. (2014). A call for wisdom in higher education: Voices of contemplative inquiry. In Gunnlaugson, O., Sarath, E., Bai, H. & Scott, C. (Eds.) Contemplative approaches to learning and inquiry. State University of New York Press.
Other Canadian Research
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Programs & Courses
- Simon Fraser University: MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Contemplative Inquiry & Approaches in Education
- Designed with working professionals in mind, this two-year degree program offers the opportunity to develop contemplative education “dispositions” that contributes to educational philosophy and practice. The program builds the foundational human capacity for thinking expansively, clearly, complexly, and creatively, which requires us to be emotionally open and relational as well as non-reactive, mentally centered and attuned, somatically grounded and in alignment with what is emerging.
- Brown University (USA): Contemplative Studies Initiative
- The Contemplative Studies Initiative is a group of Brown faculty and students with diverse academic specializations who are united around a common interest in the study and application of contemplative states of mind.
- Naropa University (USA): Buddhist Inspired Contemplative Education
- Naropa’s degree programs combine contemplative practices with traditional academics, igniting a spark of presence throughout your educational journey. This unique blend cultivates a sense of purpose and an ethically driven approach to professional success and community service, fostering a synergy between intellectual knowledge and intuitive wisdom.
- University of Virginia (USA): Contemplative Sciences Center
- The Contemplative Sciences Center (CSC) combines contemplation, connection, and research to enhance flourishing. They pursue this mission through a variety of programs and initiatives in academic classrooms, residential life, research, scholarship, and social innovation. CSC undertakes and publishes research related to well-being, flourishing, and contemplation in K-12 and higher education including the Compassionate Schools Project and the Journal of Contemplative Studies.
- University of Melbourne (Australia): Contemplative Studies Centre by the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
- The Centre fosters truly interdisciplinary, evidence-based research into contemplative practice and methodology. They help evaluate the most effective methods for learning, practicing, and grasping contemplative concepts. They work with interdisciplinary collaborators across the University of Melbourne, in the community, and worldwide to develop, deliver, support and promote innovative and authentic contemplative study. Their model is based on a strong research program foundation, which drives our interconnected education, engagement and practice programs.
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