

Negotiating Contemplative Practices in Education: Understanding and Addressing Modernity’s Limiting Assumptions

Virtual Symposium

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024, 3:30 to 5pm Central Standard Time 

From preschool to university, the formalized settings wherein public education is enacted in Canada have been directed through the assumptions of Euro-Western modernity. The prescribed ways of knowing, being, and doing in public education have thus been heavily influenced by an emphasis on rationalist forms of thinking as the authorized way to know and make meaning, resulting in constraints on meaningful educational experience. Traditions of thoughts and practice that expand and challenge these dominant education norms and ways of doing/being through practices of embodiment, mindfulness, spiritual resonance, arts, etc. have the capacity to meaningfully redress dominant forms of education.

In this symposium, the Canadian Educational Network for Contemplative Engagement (CENCE) invites you to join us with presenters Frank Deer and Claudia Eppert and engage in dialogue to explore the limits, possibilities and opportunities to enrich forms of knowing, being, and doing in educational settings.

To register, contact Trang Pham at

Dr. Frank Deer, University of Manitoba
Dr. Claudia Eppert, University of Alberta


University of Manitoba: M.Ed. in Studies of Contemplative, Holistic, and Integrative Education

Contemplative, Holistic, and Integrative Education takes its starting point in a view of humans that considers and integrates all aspects of what it means to be human, including but not limited to the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, ecological, ethical, creative, spiritual, and contemplative aspects. Contemplative, Holistic, and Integrative Education draws on the wisdoms of different cultural traditions, multidisciplinary perspectives, and integrative practices from different times and places to educate for living in current times; and, second, Contemplative, Holistic, and Integrative Education integrates studies of the whole person, curriculum, teaching, and learning by collaboratively exploring holistic, experiential, and transformative educational approaches for a flourishing life in a flourishing society.

Click here for more information: M.Ed. in Studies of Contemplative, Holistic, and Integrative Education